Zhaoyang Shi (石兆阳) Please move to my new homepage link.

Zhaoyang Shi 

PhD Candidate
(From 2019-)

University of California, Davis
399 Crocker Ln, Davis, CA 95616

Phone: +1(530)-564-9539
Email: zysshi@ucdavis.edu

About me

I am now a fifth-and-final-year PhD student in the Department of Statistics at UC Davis. I am fortunate to be co-advised by Wolfgang Polonik and Krishna Balasubramanian.

I am broadly interested in geometric and topological statistics, usually in the interaction with machine learning theory, random graph applications, topological data analysis, high dimensional statistics, kernel method, RKHS space and Stein's method. I focus on understanding the theoretical ground of many statistical problems as well as other applied math problems that are of practical importance.   <<more>>

Before coming to UC Davis, I received my Bachelor's degree in Math at Fudan University in 2019, where I was fortunate to be advised by Lei Shi.

Research Experience